Monthly Archives: May 2015

Physician Progress Report: Get one every doctor visit
By Jason Weinstock on May 27, 2015

Following every visit to your authorized treating doctor, be sure to ask the doctor or his assistant for a copy of the doctor’s physician progress report.  There is a DIR-approved form that most doctors use, although some have modified the form to include their office address, phone number, and have slightly different boxes for slightly … Continue reading Physician Progress Report: Get one every doctor visit

Cancer in Nevada Firefighters
By Jason Weinstock on May 20, 2015

Fire fighters have a law entitling them to workers’ compensation benefits under a law written especially for fire fighters.  NRS 617.453 provides for a rebuttable presumption that a cancer is work-related for fire fighters with 5 years or more of full-time, continuous employment if the   person was exposed to a known carcinogen and the carcinogen is … Continue reading Cancer in Nevada Firefighters

Should I Attend a PPD When I Need More Treatment?
By Jason Weinstock on May 15, 2015

As you know, I offer a free review of your Nevada  rating evaluation on your workers’ compensation claim if you fax it to me with what you think might be wrong with the rating. My fax number is (702) 731-9097.  Additionally, I will be posting one of my readers’ questions regarding permanent partial disability awards … Continue reading Should I Attend a PPD When I Need More Treatment?