Should I Attend a PPD When I Need More Treatment?

By Jason Weinstock on May 15, 2015

confused personAs you know, I offer a free review of your Nevada  rating evaluation on your workers’ compensation claim if you fax it to me with what you think might be wrong with the rating. My fax number is (702) 731-9097.  Additionally, I will be posting one of my readers’ questions regarding permanent partial disability awards each month for all my readers with my response. Here’s this month’s question:


Q:  I think I need more treatment, but the adjuster scheduled me for a rating exam. Should I go?


A:  Yes, you should attend the rating exam even if you think you need more medical treatment.  However, you should also file an appeal of the letter the adjuster sent you telling you that your claim is closed and that you are being scheduled for a PPD exam.  The rating examiner might agree with you that you really need more diagnostic studies or clearly need more medical treatment.  If that happens, the adjuster is likely to send you back to your treating doctor, or if you have requested (in writing) that the adjuster schedule you with someone else, send you to another doctor for another opinion.  If you don’t attend, and you don’t get another doctor to support your thinking you need more treatment, the adjuster will close your claim without an award, and you will have to appeal and pay for one yourself.  Just because you attend the rating doesn’t mean you agree that you don’t need more medical care.

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