Tag Archives: occupational

Occupational Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of Police Officers
By Jason Weinstock on July 2, 2014

Recently, I wrote a blog post about PTSD in which I discussed the Nevada Supreme Court’s decision in the McGrath case, involving a police officer whose stress claim was denied because she claimed that a series of events over 18 months in her work as a traffic  police officer, as opposed to one specific dangerous … Continue reading Occupational Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of Police Officers

Hearing Loss in Nevada FIre Fighters
By Jason Weinstock on January 24, 2014

A recent article published in the Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine that studied 425 fire fighters from three states showed that more than 40% of the fire fighters had hearing loss in the noise-sensitive frequencies (4 and 6 kHz).  Fire fighters with longer years in fire services demonstrated significantly worse hearing.  The conclusion was … Continue reading Hearing Loss in Nevada FIre Fighters

Favorable Firefighter Decision from Nevada Court
By Jason Weinstock on May 19, 2013

In City of Las Vegas v. Evans, 129 Nev. Adv. Op. 31 (05/03/2013), the Nevada Supreme Court held that a firefighter who was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor had a compensable claim based upon an appeals officers’ ruling that expert physicians established a direct causal connection between the cancer and the firefighter’s exposure to … Continue reading Favorable Firefighter Decision from Nevada Court

BANG! Work-Related Hearing Loss
By Jason Weinstock on September 30, 2012

Permanent, work-related hearing loss can result when an employee is exposed to an unexpected loud noise, like an explosion at a manufacturing plant.  However, many cases of occupationally-related hearing loss are caused by excessive noise exposure over months, or years  in a work environment that is too loud.   Difficulty hearing or understanding spoken words happens to most of us as we age, so it isn’t always easy … Continue reading BANG! Work-Related Hearing Loss

Work-Related Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
By Jason Weinstock on August 12, 2012

I am excited  to welcome Francesca Senior to my staff as new office administrator and legal assistant.  Francesca has an amazing background in international horse horse show jumping as a  professional rider and trainer.  She brings her experience in the horse industry in barn management, sales and marketing of European sport horses, charity fundraising, and managing  horse shows to … Continue reading Work-Related Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Illness from Excessive Heat Probably Not Work Comp
By Jason Weinstock on July 7, 2012

Given the 114 degree heat this week, I’ve had several calls from  people wanting to know  whether illnesses caused by excessive heat while working outdoors are compensable.  The law in Nevada has not been supportive of injury or illness claims arising out of all job conditions.  In 1960, the Nevada Supreme Court held in Smith … Continue reading Illness from Excessive Heat Probably Not Work Comp