Tag Archives: firefighter

Cancer in Nevada Firefighters
By Jason Weinstock on May 20, 2015

Fire fighters have a law entitling them to workers’ compensation benefits under a law written especially for fire fighters.  NRS 617.453 provides for a rebuttable presumption that a cancer is work-related for fire fighters with 5 years or more of full-time, continuous employment if the   person was exposed to a known carcinogen and the carcinogen is … Continue reading Cancer in Nevada Firefighters

Favorable Firefighter Decision from Nevada Court
By Jason Weinstock on May 19, 2013

In City of Las Vegas v. Evans, 129 Nev. Adv. Op. 31 (05/03/2013), the Nevada Supreme Court held that a firefighter who was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor had a compensable claim based upon an appeals officers’ ruling that expert physicians established a direct causal connection between the cancer and the firefighter’s exposure to … Continue reading Favorable Firefighter Decision from Nevada Court