Monthly Archives: September 2015

Shame on DIR-Lame response to petition
By Jason Weinstock on September 14, 2015

I wish I could say I’m surprised by the lame response by DIR (Division of Industrial Relations) to the Petition I file d in July for DIR to do its job and have an actuary review the discount rate used to convert permanent partial disability awards to present value lump sums.  After you read DIR’s … Continue reading Shame on DIR-Lame response to petition

Rating hearing impairments
By Jason Weinstock on September 2, 2015

I get so many questions about hearing impairments that I am attaching a link to a recent explanation written by rating doctor Michael Glick, D.O., that appeared in the DIR Medical Unit’s Seminar 2015 newsletter. Please note that a 5% for tinnitus converts to a 2% whole person award. Some doctors will award for tinnitus … Continue reading Rating hearing impairments