Monthly Archives: December 2013

Rating Physician Richard Kudrewicz Dies
By Jason Weinstock on December 7, 2013

The workers’ compensation community lost one of the most authoritative and fairest rating  physicians on November 30, 2013.  Richard Kudrewicz, M.D. , or Dr. K, as most of us called him, performed about ten times as many permanent partial disability evaluations on Nevada injured workers as most of the rating physicians on the DIR’s rotating … Continue reading Rating Physician Richard Kudrewicz Dies

National Workers’ Comp Trends
By Jason Weinstock on December 6, 2013

     Las Vegas again hosted the annual Larson’s National Workers’ Compensation Advisory Board Meeting at the National Disability and Workers’ Compensation Conference  in November..  Advisory board members are attorneys though out the United States who either post blogs, or write expert commentary on the laws in their home states.  These attorneys also participate in … Continue reading National Workers’ Comp Trends