Monthly Archives: November 2012

Treating Pain with a Video Game
By Jason Weinstock on November 29, 2012

Many of my clients with very severe injuries must learn to accept that they will live with pain the rest of their lives. After they exhaust all that doctors have to offer and realize that there is no “fix”, these clients either adapt and live reasonably happy and productive lives, or they stay miserable. How … Continue reading Treating Pain with a Video Game

Workplace Homicides and Violent Work Injuries
By Jason Weinstock on November 9, 2012

 Preliminary reporting by the  U.S.bureau of Labor Statistics for 2010-2011 states that there were 458 homicides in the workplace nationwide.   22  of those work fatalities were in Nevada and were  caused by violent  co-workers, employers or others.  However, not all violent deaths or injuries that happen at work are covered under workers’ compensation insurance.   An employee who … Continue reading Workplace Homicides and Violent Work Injuries