The Division of Industrial Relations announced that efffective January 1, 2011, the mileage reimbursement rate is increased from 50 cents per mile to 51 cents per mile. The rules that apply as to when an injured worker is entitled to claim mileage reimbursement are found at NAC 616C.150- NAC 616C.156. In general, injured workers who travel more than 20 miles one way for treatment, or more than 40 miles in any one week, are entitled to reimbursement. The request for reimbursement must be be on a D-26 form and must be sent to the insurer within 60 days of the dates traveled. Do not wait until the end of your claim to send in all mileage reimbursement requests. Always save a copy of the form you send to the adjuster, and expect to wait at least two weeks for a reimbursement check.
Mileage Reimbursement change- Jan. 2011
By Jason Weinstock on January 5, 2011 Posted in Mileage reimubursement

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