Monthly Archives: May 2013

Common Spine Surgeries for Injured Workers
By Jason Weinstock on May 27, 2013

 Before an injured worker undergoes a neck or back surgery, he or she should be familiar with a few medical terms and what specific procedure the surgeon is recommending.   Ask your doctor to write down the name of the surgery, and have him explain exactly what will be done.  If you or your adjuster … Continue reading Common Spine Surgeries for Injured Workers

Is Your Insurer Requiring a Psych Eval Before Authorizing Back Surgery?
By Jason Weinstock on May 27, 2013

 There is a recent trend among insurers and their medical review companies to require a psychological evaluation before authorizing a low back surgery.  Neurospsychologist Louis Mortillaro, PhD is asked to do many of these evaluations for the purpose of determining whether the patient is likely to benefit from a back surgery.  Basically, the insurer doesn’t … Continue reading Is Your Insurer Requiring a Psych Eval Before Authorizing Back Surgery?

Favorable Firefighter Decision from Nevada Court
By Jason Weinstock on May 19, 2013

In City of Las Vegas v. Evans, 129 Nev. Adv. Op. 31 (05/03/2013), the Nevada Supreme Court held that a firefighter who was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor had a compensable claim based upon an appeals officers’ ruling that expert physicians established a direct causal connection between the cancer and the firefighter’s exposure to … Continue reading Favorable Firefighter Decision from Nevada Court

Speak English, Please
By Jason Weinstock on May 17, 2013

 Thank you to the International Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors Association for inviting me to attend their educational conference last week. It was hosted by certified counselors Gerry Davis, Cindi Rivera, and  retired counselor Jack Dymon at the State of Nevada Bureau of Vocational  Rehabilitation.   The focus of the conference was working with multi-cultural groups, and educational and training resources for … Continue reading Speak English, Please

Problems with Your Vocational Rehab Counselor?
By Jason Weinstock on May 15, 2013

 I was just sharing some war stories on line with other claimants attorneys about our experiences with particular vocational rehabilitation counselors.  There is no question that some counselors do a poor job of assisting injured workers with realistic and fair plans for returning the injured worker to work.  However, the injured worker can make the … Continue reading Problems with Your Vocational Rehab Counselor?

Is Your Work Comp Insurer Broke and Belly Up?
By Jason Weinstock on May 8, 2013

      On April 19, 2013,  S &C Claims Services, Inc., sent a letter to all injured workers insured by Builders Insurance Company that their checks due that week wouldn’t be sent as scheduled.  A Las Vegas District Court ordered the Commissioner of Insurance to act as Temporary Receiver for the company while future … Continue reading Is Your Work Comp Insurer Broke and Belly Up?